Goerg & Schneider Behind the Scenes

Since 1989 we have been producing ready-to-use, plastic and individually wrapped hobby- and pottery bodies. This year we are celebrating a special…

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Daniel Achermann is the managing director of the Lehmhuus and we invited him to "Töpfertalk": About me: Apprenticeship as a potter (formerly…

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For more than 25 years Interkerám has been Goerg & Schneider’s strong partner in Hungary. Interkerám’s home is in Kecskmét in the heart of Hungary.…

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For real pottery passion, the appropriate ceramic body must be selected for the corresponding application. In our team we have ceramic designers,…

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The extraction of clay in the Westerwald region has a long tradition. Clay is the white gold from the Westerwald. The clay, which is mined in the pits…

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The extraction of the clays, their subsequent processing and the production of chamotte and ceramic bodies in our own factory provide today's variety…

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"I can recommend body 441 for the use in the Raku technique. The body is excellently prepared and good to process. When the body is cut with a wire,…

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