Project day of the Raiffeisen-Campus Dernbach

Last Monday, the Raiffeisen Campus Dernbach held an exciting project day under the motto " Ton in Ton". The pupils were able to choose between various projects. Among others, Goerg & Schneider took part in two projects to give the pupils an understanding of clay as a material.

One of the groups of pupils had the opportunity to gain an insight into our company. The pupils were guided through the plant by experienced employees of the company and were able to experience at first hand how the raw material clay is extracted and processed.

During the tour, the pupils not only learned about the various processes and machines, but also about the importance of clay as an important raw material for the manufacture of ceramic products.

The second group was allowed to get creative and learned about pottery with Airdry clay 751. Under expert guidance, the pupils were able to give free rein to their creativity and design their own works of art. It was impressive to see how the pupils immersed themselves in the subject matter and were highly committed to their work.

All in all, the project day was a successful event that gave the pupils both informative and creative insights.